Thursday, April 7, 2016

Student Interest Survey

Student interest surveys are another good way to learn about your students and their interests and likes. A student interest survey is basically just a sheet with questions that the students fill out.

Questions on student interest survey-- according to Fulfilling the promise of the differentiated classroom

  1. What are your favorite things to do outside of school (please tell why you like them
  2. When have you felt really proud of yourself? Please explain why you felt that way
  3. What are you good at in school? How do you know?
  4. What's hard for you in school? What makes it hard?
  5. What are some ways of learning that work for you?
  6. What are some ways of learning that don't work well for you? Why?
  7. What's your favorite:
  • Book ______________________________________
  • TV Show _________________________________________
  • Movie ___________________________________________
  • Kind of music ____________________________________
  • Sport _________________________________________
8. What are some things you'd really like to learn about?
9. What are some things you really care about getting better in? Why?
10. What else should I know about you as a person and a student that could help me teach you better?
11. Describe how you see yourself as an adult. What will you be doing? Enjoying? Working toward?

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